An overview of the resources of our network Ukraine Support Karlsruhe (USKA)
- The Facebook group “Ukraine Support Karlsruhe”; launched 2/24/22; nearly 1,000 members on 4/7/22 (see group icon top right),
- Multiple WhatsApp Groups:
- USKA WA1 (Ukraine Support Karlsruhe, open to newcomers, committed)
- USKA WA2 (USKA organization, specific, pushy)
- USKA Hosts (for hosts of newcomers from Ukraine)
- USKA Dignity (New Ukrainians in Karlsruhe, where human dignity is inviolable)
- USKA Academy (organization of German courses and others such as photography and ethical intelligence)
- USKA Translations (Virtual Translation Agency)
- USKA Web (administration and editing of
- Common project folder in the Dropbox “USKA Drop”
- Website, launch on April 7th, 2022 at PK 11:00 a.m., with the following features
- Integrated blog with stories about the USKA; Invitation: You are welcome to participate and become an author!
- Appointment calendar: We ask that you send coordinates of future appointments if they are not yet in the calendar
- Portal to various fundraising campaigns that can be associated locally/regionally and at the same time support Ukraine
- Donation project (start: April 7th, 2022): Markus Nieden (Karlsruhe / Kyiv [Київ]) looks after refugee Ukrainian artists / via Oliver Langewitz (Filmboard Karlsruhe)
The team members involved at organizational level include:
Rena Thormann (welcome flyer, constantly whirling little bee with instant solutions at hand, teacher, VKL expert)
Christian Klinger (former city youth committee chairman)
David Pflegler (with international experience in Ukraine and Russia; co-administrates the Facebook group together with Laura Marquardt, best recorder)
Michael M. Roth (initiator, photographer, philosopher ….)
Oliver Langewitz (independent press champion, Festival of the Independent Days Fest in the Karlsruhe Schauburg; does an impressive job, also for USKA!)
Olga Danylevych & Ulyana Senyuk (two great, committed women, great interface to the Ukrainians in Karlsruhe)
Administration/organization of
Alex Wenger (the perfect website builder!)
Axel Schilling (nice backup offer for Alex, thanks!)
Michael M Roth
Editors of
Michael M. Roth (Chief Editor)
Oliver Langewitz (press)
Markus Nieden (funding project)
Editor: Michael M. Roth
Date: Apr/6/22