Invitation to the theater and film casting for the project:
“ESCAPE! – Escape as a creative challenge”
Considering the current situation in Ukraine,
The Prague Shakespeare Company, Czech Republic in cooperation with Filmboard Karlsruhe, Germany, starts a new international artistic project under the direction of Markus Nieden (Germany).
We hereby announce:
Open call for artists, especially from Ukraine
We are looking for – amateur or professional – :
Actors, writers, musicians, singers, post producers are welcome!
Also: a production assistant and an interpreter (English/Ukrainian/Russian)!
Please also name other special talents that you could bring to the project.
Working language and basic knowledge of English preferred.
Ukrainian/Russian, Czech and German as parts of the play/film are also welcome.
Selected candidates will be invited to an audition
in Karlsruhe (Germany) – FREE entry!
And, if selected, invited to a 4-day master class at our theater production facility
at CESTA cultural center, Tabor (Czech Republic) – FREE entry – between April and July 2022!
We will also include some of the successful participants in the finals
Play “ESCAPE!” production, with premiere at PRAGUE SHAKESPEARE COMPANY in Praha, CZ
and guest performance in Germany in 2022.
All costs such as travel, accommodation and meals are covered by donations and project financing or by Czech-German future funds.
All interested talents: Please write a few SHORT words about yourself, nationality, age,
Your current location, optional professional artistic background, and add some photos! Please send to:
escape ( at )
Before that you can send a short email (without links, without attachment) as an announcement, since emails with
Attachments often end up in spam.
If you have any questions about this open call, please add your email address
Also become a fan of our Facebook page:
“ESCAPE! – Escaping As Creative Challenge” – is a multimedia art project on the subject
Persecution, emigration, living abroad or exile, also by focusing on temporary stay in a hotel. (inspired by the history of the “Hotel Lloyd”, Amsterdam, and authors such as
Erich Maria Remarque or Milan Kundera.)
As an introduction to this topic, our “Co-Creating” participants are asked to
Telling stories and dramas about their own experiences of living abroad (leaving the known for the unknown, shedding old ones in favor of a new identity, the
Dealing with cultural differences and other possible aspects.
We will work on different life situations related to traveling with theatrical improvisation, methods, develop some short scenes and put them together into a small play.
Markus Nieden has been a project-internal cultural director and theater maker for many years
from Germany, member of Filmboard-Karlsruhe eV. and its projects are funded by the Robert Bosch Foundation, Germany and other funds.